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Bitter Spell Has Delayed Growth of Japanese Knotweed

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Due to the bitter winter we have had in the UK this year, homeowners of Japanese Knotweed have been warned to remain vigilant as the hibernation has been delayed.

The most invasive plant will not develop like it usually does until around June/July. This is because of the low wintry temperatures that Britain has had over the last few months. The growth of the Knotweed will only awake when the ground reaches temperatures of 4’C and above.

When Japanese Knotweed is at its highest point during the summer period, homeowners are advised to look out for red/purple shoots that look similar to asparaguses, which develop quickly from the ground turning into green stems that look familiar to bamboo. Knotweed stems can grow at fast rates each day reaching up to nearly 4 metres by June in height.

Japanese Knotweed have characteristics of heart shaped flat green leaves, that bloom during the end of late Summer coated in white creamy flowers.

Due to the cold weather setting the start of the growing season back, Japanese Knotweed usually shoot in warmer areas of the country

Homeowners may think the Knotweed on their property has disappeared, although this is not the case. It is because the plant is simply still hibernating due to the un seasonably cold winter months.

Unfortunately, due to Japanese Knotweed causing such chaos and spreading so quickly across the UK, there is no case of trying to win the battle. We suggest, anyone who finds or has suspicions of Japanese Knotweed growing, acts immediately into getting professional help in place to protect themselves and their property.

Having Japanese Knotweed on your land is not Illegal, however, homeowners can be sued if they allow the Knotweed to spread onto neighbouring properties.

While the cold weather is delaying the growth, it will not stop it and people need to take that into consideration to protect their homes. If people chose to not treat effectively with a quality insurance backed guarantee in place, it can cause a dramatic reduction in the value of the property.

Mortgage lenders always require an insurance-backed guarantee before lending the property.

Knotweed Services, the UK’s specialist in the removal of Japanese Knotweed offer a free identification service for concerned homeowners, where you can attach photos and receive an answer within 24hrs, as to whether it is/isn’t Japanese Knotweed.

Knotweed Services LTD urges anyone with Knotweed on or around their property to contact on 0121 725 6348 or email for free advice. If you’re in the process of buying or selling your home and require a Japanese Knotweed survey, Knotweed Services (UK) LTD can conduct a survey and provide a report which is required by lenders.


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