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How to get a mortgage with Japanese knotweed

How to get a mortgage with Japanese knotweed

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Can I get a mortgage with Japanese Knotweed?

Need to know how to get a mortgage with Japanese knotweed? Knotweed Services UK are here to assist.

Japanese knotweed lies dormant in winter. In Spring its reddish-pink buds begin to grow. The moment summer time arrives Japanese Knotweed will grow up-to one foot per week and begin to strangle the rest of your plants in the garden. Resembling a bamboo, it can grow sky wards to more than seven foot high.

Japanese knotweed – can I get a mortgage?

Unfortunately Japanese knotweed can affect your chances of getting a mortgage or even selling your house. This is how serious a problem Japanese knotweed can serve up.Some lenders will refuse to give mortgages because of the destruction Japanese knotweed can wreak. The network of roots can penetrate the ground very deeply. In turn, house foundation, drainage systems and walls can be damaged.

Can Knotweed Services help me get a mortgage?

Don’t panic, the first thing you should do is take pictures and send us pictures using the form on this page. Our advice is free and you may be worrying for absolutely nothing at all. It should be noted that it is not illegal to grow Japanese Knotweed but it is imperative that you keep it under tight control and you absolutely must not let it spread into neighboring gardens – this could make you liable!

“If it’s judged to result in a ‘detrimental effect of a persistent or continuing nature on the quality of life of those in the locality’ then your authority can order you to spend thousands of pounds to dig it up and destroy it. Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 it is also an offence to allow knotweed to grow in the wild.”

How can you help me get a mortgage?

If you employ Knotweed Services to professionally treat and remove your Japanese knotweed infestation we can help you get a mortgage or sell your property. When the treatment commences, we will issue you a Accelerant Insurance UK Limited backed Japanese knotweed warranty for ten years. As a result this usually provides the mortgage lender the assurances and guarantees that they require to lend you money against the property.

Japanese knotweed continues to be featuring heavily in the news (radio, TV and news papers). The government has recently introduced laws and penalties for those that don’t manage their Japanese knotweed invasion. You can now be fined upto £2500 (£20,000 if you’re a company) and receieve an ASBO!!

Discovering Japanese Knotweed on or around your property can be quite distressing. Knotweed Services UK understand that no one wants to be told their property is worth less because of an aggressive weed in their garden however Japanese Knotweed will inevitably devalue your property. Eradicating it yourself would be very difficult and would require lots of time researching the plant properly. It would also require you to purchase expensive equipment, that’s why we strongly suggest using a specialist contractor such as ourselves. We have the professional training and experience to effectively eradicate any Japanese Knotweed infestation.

Knotweed Services UK are PCA approved. The PCA works with government departments, provides training and qualifications, establishes industry guidelines and works to improve outcomes across all the sectors it represents for “the damp, waterproofing, wood preservation and invasive weeds industries”. As a member of the PCA we are required to adhere to strict standards in order to receive PCA membership. The application for membership is detailed and thorough. It is for these reasons that any company approved by the PCA can be trusted to provide the most effective solutions for Japanese knotweed removal. To find out more about the PCA please click here.

Please watch the video below to find out the benefits of choosing a PCA approved Japanese knotweed contractor:

If you are trying to sell your property and your surveyor finds Japanese Knotweed on their initial report you are sure to run into problems. The process may be delayed or cancelled all together. This does not have to be the case. In order to sell your property you may need a management plan to be in place; this plan will show that you are dealing with your Japanese Knotweed infestation and that it will not be a problem by the time the plan is completed. We will create a personal management plan for every customer. The plans are very in depth and are backed by our warranty meaning you can sleep easy knowing that your infestation is being taken care of.

If you are a homeowner who has found Japanese Knotweed on or around your property let us know as soon as you can. The sooner we know the sooner we can eradicate your Japanese Knotweed. Or if you are surveyor and need a management plan to be created we can also do this for you, saving you the time.


Are your pictures on a different device? Don’t have pictures available at the moment? No problem! Sending pictures to us is EASY at ANYTIME. You can contact us via the following:

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Fill in the form below, attach your pictures and we’ll let you know if the plant in your picture is Japanese Knotweed.

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